Membership and Contact Information 35


Joining the Ohio County Historical Society is easy.  The dues are are only $10.00 per year or $100.00 for a lifetime membership.  Dues can be sent to:  Ohio County Historical Society, PO Box 44, Hartford, Ky 42347.


Meetings are held at the museum at 415 Mulberry Street.  They are on the second Friday of the month at 5:30 pm.


The Ohio County Historical Society is a non profit organization and any donation is tax deductible.  Donations can be made in person at the Historical Society on 415 Mulberry Street in Hartford,  Kentucky or they can be mailed to the Ohio County Historical Society, PO Box 44, Hartford, Ky 42347.

Contact Information

Questions and comments can either be posted on this website, our Facebook page, or can be emailed to Helen McKeown:

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35 thoughts on “Membership and Contact Information

  • Beth Patterson

    I am looking for my grandparents marriage record in you Ohio Co., Kentucky I understand it was June 5, 1922. In Hartford Kentucky courthouse by a Judge. Lloyd Urbin Miller age 27 and she was Alma Alice Simpson age 25. I need this to help completes my DAR connection. Please feel free to contact me. I am eagerly awaiting this conformation to this information I have been given.

    I am also seeking info on previous generations-Lorenza Jackson Miller Born 1859 in Ohio Co., KY
    Martha Jane Beck Born 1860 in Ohio Co., KY

    Richard H. Miller Born 1830 in Ohio Co., KY
    Hannah Taylor Born 1830 in Ohio Co., KY
    I would appreciate any help I can get. THANK YOU IN Advance.

  • ochistorical Post author

    I am looking into your request. Could you provide me with an email address so that I can get in touch with you should we find anything? Thank you!

  • Ann Gaynell Tooley

    Is there information available on old schools in Ohio County? My grandmother, Alma Baughn Probus, taught in several locations. I believe her brothers, Walter Orion Baughn & Imon Lee Baughn did so as well. My mother’s memory is not as reliable as it used to be, but the 3 schools she remembers are Walnut Grove, Haynesville & Berry. I would very much appreciate any information, & also photos, that might be available.

    Thank you for any assistance you might be able to render.

    Gaynell Tooley

    • ochistorical Post author

      There is some information out there about schools in Ohio County. There is a book at the Kentucky Museum in Bowling Green (and perhaps the Ohio County Library too) written by Anna Laura Duncan called Early Schools of Ohio County. This book has a lot of information about schools although there isn’t a lot of information about some of the smaller schools. Also, Chronicling America has copies of the Hartford Republican and the Hartford Herald online from the 1880s to the 1920s. Assuming your grandmother and her brothers taught during this time frame, you may find something of interest in there. Every year they published the list of teachers for that school year and what school they taught as well as reporting any other news about schools. They have a search box that allows you type in words/phrases/names to narrow down your search. The Historical Society does not have any pictures online of any of the schools although they have several pictures of schools displayed at the Museum. They don’t have a picture of every school though, as there were around 100 small schools at the turn of the century. Another good place to inquire besides the library (the Genealogy Annex may have more information too) is on Facebook. There is a page called the History of Ohio County, Kentucky – putting your request for pictures and information on there may reach more people and they may have some of the information you are looking for. Let me know if this helps!

  • Anne Catinna

    I lived in Ohio County from 1945 until 1960. My father, Walter Catinna, was an attorney there. After his death I came into possession of a handwritten list of taxable items in a small cardboard book. It was for the year of 1812 and taken by Capt. Tichenor’s company by Byron Condict. There are many old Ohio County residents listed along with a listing of their personal property, both horses and blacks, as well are the name of the surveyor,land acreage, and what water course on which the land lays. It is in reasonable and readable shape. If you are interested in this please let me donate to you. My children would not know what to do with it or appreciate it the way some one local would. Thank you.

    Anne Catinna

    • ochistorical Post author

      We would love to have this! It sounds like it has some wonderful information. Call Helen McKeown at 270-232-0086.

  • Lydia Pendley

    I am looking for information about the Tobias Wise Taylor family. In particular, I want to know if his daughter, Sarah/Sallie L Taylor, was married to E. R. Bunch or if she married someone else or died in Kentucky.

  • Connie Winter

    I am researching the William Henry and Rachel Mitchell Espey family that lived in Beaver Dam and McHenry. They moved there in the 1850’s from Scotland. Their children were James Espey, William Espey, Margaret Espey, and David Sneddon Espey, Ellen Sneddon Espey (Blackburn) Annie Espey (Fisher) The parents and Ellen are buried in the Render Cemetery. My GGGrandfather was David Espey who moved to the west. I have pictures and some historical information regarding him. Where would you recommend I begin my search in Ohio County, KY. Do you have historical information for the Beaver Dam and McHenry area? I am trying to find where they originated from in Scotland and any other information you might have.
    Thank you

  • Julia Brister

    My grandfather was Emory Schroeter, who for some years worked as a photographer in Hartford on the Schroeter Floating Studio. Recently I discovered a link online of pictures made on a floating studio named “Schroeter & Borst Floating Studio No. 2.” Am wondering if you’ve ever heard of this?,%20fl.%201915%20–%20Photographer/mode/exact

    • Gail

      Julia Brister, I have copies of several of Emory Schroeter’s group photos taken of my family in Ohio County, KY. Recently ran across an H O Schroeter, floating photographer on the Green River. Was he related to your grandfather?

  • Craig Fowler

    Hello-I’m looking for information on my great-grandfather, Walter Bennett (married to Mattie Ford Massie) and his father, Joseph Fuqua Bennett. The census in the late 1800s lists Walter as a merchant in Pellville I believe. The Bennetts were also in Fordsville and throughout the county. Any information would be most appreciated!

    • ochistorical Post author

      Walter & Mattie married 11-4-1895 in Ohio County, her family likely from
      that side of Ohio Co., Ky.

      Joseph Fuqua Bennett b 11-21-1834 d 4-15-1892 married Mary Catherine
      (Temple) Bennett b 2-4-1842 d 9-10-1888 buried Pellville Cemetery, Hancock
      Co., Ky with child Jodie Bennett b 2-6-1877 d 7-22-1877 and another infant

      In 1880 lived in Pellville, Hancock Co., Ky children Ida age 17, Mollie
      age 14, Robert age 12, Walter age 10, Herbert age 1. All born in Ky.
      This is near Ohio County line, there are at least 3 separate Bennett
      families in Ohio County, and numerous ones in each group, one originated
      from Ireland, one older group originated from Virginia, etc. Somewhat
      likely this is even another group.

      Might suggest contacting someone in Hancock County as well.

  • Jim Cates

    My great great grandparents, Webster and Eliza(nee Day) Cate purchased the Sulfur Springs Hotel from Mrs. D.M. Morton in 1894 as reported in the Hartford Republican dated Apr. 27,1894. They sold it to Mr. Cook Bean in 1903 as reported in the same paper from Nov. 13, 1903. I recently read about a property in your area
    I am wondering if these properties are the same. Could you suggest any sources I might check? I would like to find a photo. The newspapers of the day describe the hotel as quite the place in the late victorian era. Any suggestions would be most appreciated. Thank you.
    Sent from my iPad

    • ochistorical Post author

      I don’t know any sources off hand. However, I can give you the email address of Judy Russell who lives where the old hotel was located. ( I would suggest putting your request on the History of Ohio County’s Facebook page. They have over 4000 members so someone may have some old pictures they would share.

    • ochistorical Post author

      Also, I forgot to tell you that the properties are one and the same. It is located off of 69N across from the quarry.

  • Connie Robinson

    I read an article from the 9/11/1918 Hartford paper that I had an ancestor Ziba Arnold buried in the Salem Cemetery. I cannot find a record of a Salem Cemetery located in Ohio County. Can you tell me if the name has possibly been changed to something else.
    Connie Mullins Robinson

    • ochistorical Post author

      It is on findagrave as Old Salem. Well maintained, level cemetery. As
      you go east on 62 toward Horse Branch the Salem Cemetery Road sign is on
      left, it goes directly to the cemetery. Other folks say Ziba Arnold is
      buried Leach Hatler Cemetery in same part of county. Also called Leach
      Cemetery, Ziba & wife are listed there in 1982 Ohio County
      cemetery book III. That cemetery is off Highway 505 and Ziba’s wife,
      Mahala, is buried there.

      In the past, I read the 1918 newspaper article. This article is somewhat
      disregarded due to that it describes him as father of Benedict Arnold
      which is not true.

  • Lloyd Davidson

    I found Jonathan Carr in the Logan Co the 1820 Census next to what I believe are sons Moses and Aaron. I found Jonathan in the 1810 Census in Ohio Co. I believe both Aaron and Moses were born in Kentucky in the late 1790’s. I can’t read the top of the page on the 1810 Census so I can’t tell anything about the area he lived in Ohio Co. Jonathan shows up in Ohio Co in 1810, Logan Co 1820 and Simpson in 1830. Since I can’t find a common location that fits I assume he moved. Any help would be appreciated.

  • Jamie Mollenhauer

    I am looking for any information of Samuel Ambrose and his father Lewis Ambrose. Samuel was born in Ohio Co, KY on May 12, 1808. I am specifically looking for any document linking him to his father Lewis (Ludwig) Ambrose.

  • Maggie Jones

    I would like to know if the settlement book B (1863 – 1871) is still available in Ohio County? I am not talking about the settlement index book. Settlement books A, C, and D have been microfilmed by the LDS church but book B is not available. And I thought that the historical society might know.
    I greatly appreciate any help you are able to provide.
    Thank you so much,

    • ochistorical Post author

      However, the catalog of microfilmed sources at the Kentucky State Archives suggests that it does exist. Microfilm reel #494982 contains Ohio County settlement volumes A-B (1855-1871). Also the original loose settlement & inventory documents (recorded prior to being re-recorded into the books) were filed in the Estate bundles stored in the rows of metal drawers above the books in the deed records room.

    • ochistorical Post author

      You can purchase them at the Historical Society or Veterans Museum. If you are not able to visit us personally, let us know which books you want and we can ship them to you.

      • Linda Baumgartner

        What is information is contained in the Ohio County, Kentucky Cemetery books besides the names of the cemeteries? I have several maternal relatives buried at the Render Cemetery in McHenry and I would be interested in finding their graves. Is there another method of obtaining the information? Specifically I want to verify dates of birth and death. I have many of these dates but want to check for other relatives. I also have many maternal relatives buried at Sunnyside Cemetery in Beaver Dam, KY. Thanks for your help.

        • ochistorical Post author

          The books give the information on the head stones as it was available at the time of printing. Find a grave on the Internet is another excellent source, sometimes someone has even posted pictures of the headstones. I would try Find a Grave first, then if the info isn’t there, try one of the cemetery books. If you don’t want to buy them you can find them at library’s genealogy annex.

  • Beth DeHart Breisch

    I’m hoping you can find an obituary for my 6x great-grandfather;
    Armstead Brown
    B. 1765 Culpeper, Culpeper Co., Virginia
    D. April 3, 1853. Ohio County, Kentucky
    Married Margaret/Peggy Collins

  • Allyson Mixer

    I came across and read the story about Benjamin Jenkins on the Ohio County BlogSpot written by Janice Cox Brown. I descend from this Jenkins family also (through John Humphrey Jenkins), and it appears I may also descend from the same Smith family that Janice does. I’ve been trying to find a way to get in touch with her in hopes of learning more about this branch of my family tree. I had no previous knowledge of them and haven’t come across any other descendants of that branch. If you know of a way to contact her, would you be willing to pass along my email address to her in case she would be willing to contact me? Thank you!

  • Beth DeHart Breisch

    HI, I’m trying to find information – either obituary, will, death record, etc. – for Armstead Brown (1765 Culpeper COunty, Virginia – April 3, 1853 – Ohio County, Kentucky). He married Margaret Peggy Collins.
    He was the son of Robert Brown & Mary Beverley.

    I’m trying to gather information/documentation to join the Jamestowne Society.

    Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for your kind attention/consideration.

    • Gail

      I think there must be a lot of Armstead Browns from Culpeper. Ours died maybe 1847 and was married to Margaret Collins, his father was Robert but his mother was Mary Tabb

  • Sue Demmin

    I came across an old post card in my grandmother’s belongings postmarked 1913. It is a picture of a church with the title M. E. Church, Beaver Dam, Ky. If you are interested in having this for your archives, I would be glad to send it to you.

    • ochistorical Post author

      We would be delighted to have it. That
      church has such beautiful stained glass windows. Please mail it to our PO Box. Thank you so much!

      Ohio County Historical Society
      P O Box 314
      Hartford, Ky 42347